May 10, 2017

4 Things You Must Experience at a Renaissance Festival

Renaissance Festivals give you the opportunity to let your inner nerd shine through with others just like you. There are dozens of cool things to do, but only a handful of things that you absolutely must experience. The below-mentioned article goes into detail about what you should seek out and experience when you visit the Renaissance Faire.

So Much Yummy Food!
Renaissance noblemen and noblewomen gorged on gigantic, juicy turkey legs, tall pints of mead, and lots of pies, pasties, fruits, and meaty goodness. The same can be said for the visitors at the Faire. There are rows of food shacks in a single section of any given festival. And, while turkey legs are definitely the ultimate, delicious go-to for an afternoon lunch, vegetarians have a selection of grilled corn and bread bowl soups to choose from.

Interact with the Characters
For most Renaissance performers, the Faire is their one and only job. So, interact with them. And, if you love their performance and characters, tip them kindly so they can continue their antics on the road wherever the festival takes them. You will see jugglers, acrobats, commoners, painters…you name it, and the Renaissance era had it.

Play Dress Up to Blend In
The first thing you notice at the Renaissance Faire is the costumes. The characters are decked out in their plumed skirts and feathered hats, but regular, everyday people also join in the fun with their own renditions of medieval cosplay. Take a note from the books of your fellow Ren Fest nerds and try on some Renaissance dresses, robes, or pant outfits. The vendors have costumes to fit a wide range of sizes, and you can rent the outfit for the day.

Catch the Amazing Shows
As mentioned above, most of the Renaissance Festival performers are actors and entertainers for a living. And their shows are often comedic, daring, and awe-inspiring. From singing nuns, to comedy acts from Tortuga, there are several scheduled shows you can catch by simply walking around the Faire perimeters. Be sure to tip the actors at the end when they, literally, pass around their hats and baskets.

The Renaissance Festival is a fun and exciting place, where you can experience the humor and raucous era that are now the stuff of legends. From storytellers with tales to weave, to knights in full armor awaiting a joust, and even a pirate or two, make sure you bask in and truly enjoy the fun and fancy-free atmosphere that awaits you at the Ren Faire.