December 29, 2017

Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

Mysterious woman covered in shadow with an unsmiling mouth
Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint that dentists hear from their patients. And it isn’t always due to cavities. Some people really just have more sensitive teeth than the general population, and this causes pain when it comes to eating hot and cold foods, inhaling cool air, or chewing on sweets. It’s an unfortunate circumstance, but it is not impossible to treat.
Some Pocatello dentists at Leavitt Dentistry in South Eastern Idaho have put together these three ways to lessen the sensitivity of your teeth.

Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth
For people with sensitive teeth, regular toothpaste can be too harsh on their teeth. Toothpaste can contain abrasive ingredients that wear down the enamel of people with sensitive teeth. Some whitening toothpastes have been known to increase tooth sensitivity as well.
Sometimes, simply switching to a sensitive toothpaste, like Sensodyne, can solve your problems with sensitivity. You can pick up sensitive toothpaste over the counter, but if it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, ask your dentist about getting a prescription written for a better toothpaste for your sensitive teeth.

Sealants and Fluoride
When gums recede and enamel wears down, sometimes sensitive toothpaste is not enough to repair that. Another option you can talk to your dentist about is getting sealants or fluoride for your teeth. These sealants can coat the outer layer of your teeth to prevent things from hurting them. And fluoride helps to strengthen your enamel, which in turn will counteract the problems associated with tooth sensitivity.

Decrease Acid-Containing Foods
Eat foods that don’t cause tooth decay or sensitivity. It’s as simple as not eating things that hurt your teeth. If sugary treats cause you problems anytime you indulge, then try to avoid them. Avoid or limit other acidic foods like soda, sugars, grains, and processed foods. Acidity is a factor that contributes to tooth decay and sensitive teeth.
If you aren’t sure of the cause of your sensitive teeth, it is best to schedule an appointment with your dentist to get to the problem as soon as possible.